Friday, December 30, 2011

How to manipulate your reality using synchronicity


How to manipulate your reality using synchronicity by Jim Francis 
Luck and Synchronicity 

These two human attributes appear to be tied closely together. If you are able to recognize a series of "meaningful coincidences" in your life ...and ACT on them almost always results in a sudden spectacular burst of what one considers to be brilliant good luck! The problem is that most individuals do not recognize these synchronistic events, because they are not always related. By running a specially prepared audio as you go to sleep you can easily train your mind to recognize what is happening and then by following these subconscious messages you can take advantage of them. The results are sometimes simply beyond belief!! 
What are synchronistic events? 
Synchronicity means a "meaningful coincidence" of outer and inner events that are not themselves causally connected. The emphasis lies on the word "meaningful". Synchronicities are events that you attract into your life for various reasons – learning lessons – finances – love –spiritual growth – personal empowerment – health. The synchronicity is created on another level – other than third dimensional reality. It then manifests into our third dimensional reality.. For example – you don’t have enough money to meet your monthly bills. By some coincidence – synchronicity - the money manages to manifest in your life – in one way or another. You are the one who created the synchronicity. If you are lonely – you can create the synchronicity of meeting another person. First you and that person meet in another realm – such as dream state where you set up the synchronicity of meeting in 3D. You go to the place agreed upon on another level – realm – dimension – and suddenly you think this is a coincidence – fate – destiny – whatever. 

As the timelines are merging – we will begin to see an increase in the synchronicities around us. The philosophical principle that underlies our connection to natural law is ‘causality’. But if the connection between cause and effect turns out to be only statistically valid and only relatively true, then the causal principle is only of relative use for explaining natural processes. According to Carl Jung – synchronicity is the term for an acausal connection between events that renders them meaningful to an observer, e.g., precognition, coincidences of dreams with independently occurring events, the frequent co-occurrence of particular numerals within a short time period of a longer sequence. You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of déjà vu prepares you for the physical event. 

As souls we are capable of creating our own reality or drawing synchronicity into our lives as we need to learn and grow. This synchronicity does not mean that the people or situations involved have to remain forever, a common misconception. You create the reality on a level other than third dimension. You may not be consciously aware that you are creating it. Shortly afterwards the event manifests into your life. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
Visit the link below to watch the free 10 part video series - Unlocking the Secrets of Real Mind Power - inspired by 10 years of research into advanced mind power techniques by Jim Francis, including world first discoveries on luck and synchronicity -

Friday, December 16, 2011

How Does Music Affect Our Body and Brain?

How Does Music Affect Our Body and Brain?
Music appears to be processed in the right hemisphere of the brain. The way we experience music also affects our nervous system.

There are different neurons that respond according to what kind of music is playing. Music can effect hormones, encourage the production of cortisol, testosterone, and oxytocin. Music can even trigger a release of endorphins.

Beyond the biology and the actual responses of your body, there are definite responses of the mind as well. You're aware of how you feel when you listen to music, but how do you know that it's actually having any sort of effect on you? There is scientific evidence of the way it can affect your mind! It's clearly more than just a suspicion -- it's fact!

The most famous experiment related to this is probably the one that was performed at the University of California at Irvine. College students were assigned to three different groups. The first group listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major. The second group listened to a relaxation tape. The third group listened to nothing at all.

After listening, they took a Stanford-Beinet reasoning test. The results were clear -- those who had listened to Mozart had improved scores!

Many musical therapy experts recommend making music a part of your daily life, because its effects can improve with time. There is evidence that, over time, your language skills, creativity, happiness, and more, can improve with regular musical therapy.

The evidence is also stacked up strongly in favor of music's healing power! A positive link has been found for those suffering from things like autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Tourette's.

There are neuroscientists who are working to discover exactly why music has healing powers. After all, it's pretty amazing that it can stimulate certain areas of the brain, speed healing, and decrease anxiety and increase optimism.

There are different components to music that can have an effect. Pitch, harmony, frequency, melody, and rhythm all effect the brain in different ways. We know that some of the brain locations are involved in helping to heal and soothe the body as well.

The brain can be taught and stimulated to perform better -- and it seems that music is the perfect vehicle to do that.

However, there is science behind music and its healing power and Dr. Mike Miller of the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, set out to study this.

He used high-tech imaging to measure blood vessel size while listening to music. What he found was that the lining of the blood vessel relaxed and opened up. It also produced chemicals that help protect the heart.

Now when you add music with brainwave entrainment, you get something very special - Super Mind Music.

It can help:
* New neural pathway growth – increase in brain power
* Balancing of the brain’s electrical activity – whole brain functioning
* Improved memory
* Balancing of Emotions
* Mozart effect benefits multiplied
* Regulation of sleep cycles
* Positive brain chemical release such as DHEA and Serotonin
* Mood elevation
To watch a free video which explains this in more detail - including how you can access Free Super Mind Music videos, visit this link -

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Free Internet Money - PTC Programs

THIS Cash Income Program will show you how I make an extra $600 to $800+ per month with PTC Programs!!! All you need to do is follow the steps that are listed on the program page.   The 'Trick', to being successful with these programs is being organized and efficient!
I personally spend LESS than 1/2 hour per day using this money making method...Have patience, stay focused, and work at your own pace...You'll be earning some FREE extra money in no time!




How to prevent an attack using remote hypnotic commands

How to prevent attack with remote hypnotic commands by Jim Francis

It is not generally known that under moments of stress your mind is capable of projecting strong mental demands at people in your line of vision. Couple this with a powerful body language and you can prevent attacks on your person. The beauty of this process is that anyone can do it…almost instantly….and without practice. Once you understand this simple process you can use it for the rest of your life.

Let us suppose you are by yourself walking down a back street at night and you notice ahead of you a group of youths who are watching you. You walk across the street to the other side and they promptly cross the street also. You realize you are in deep trouble and you become somewhat stressed. There is a simple way to disperse them ...or alternatively freeze them so they go into a temporary hypnotic trance and remain stationary so that you can walk past them.

This is a two stage process.

Firstly you must not slow down your walk. Keep walking and stride purposefully if you were on an urgent mission. This simple act confuses the youths as they don’t expect it. They expect you to slow down and show fear.

The second and most important act is to project mentally the words... “DANGER, DANGER, DANGER” them. You do this by mentally shouting those words. To explain what I mean, imagine you have been shipwrecked on a deserted island for some months and one day you are standing on the beach looking out to sea in the hope of finding a ship passing. When all of a sudden a large sailboat rounds the headland and you jump up and down and yell HELP at the top of your voice. Imagine yourself yelling HELP in this manner ...not with your voice but with your mind. Now substitute this word HELP for the word DANGER. So you mentally yell (at the top of your silent mental voice) the word DANGER over and over again as you stalk toward these youths. You can practice this process easily while you are walking down a busy street. Pick an individual coming toward you and glare at him/her while striding purposefully then start mentally yelling DANGER (over and over). You will see him falter and look startled. As you get closer smile at him and say good morning or alternatively branch off and go in a different direction. With a little practice you will get this to work quite easily.
Probably the most extraordinary aspect of the mind power research of Jim Francis was his discoveries about mental connection. How we influence people with our thoughts, as in this article… …but it goes much deeper (and bizarre) than this… Visit the link below to watch the video Psychic Soul – and on that page you’ll also discover how our minds are all connected in the morphogenetic field…
And this is how his exciting programs work, such as Subjective Communication – the ability to connect with other peoples minds through this field to create win/win situations……and remote viewing, the ability to see people, objects and places in the past, present and future – by accessing this field……and remote influencing, the ability to transfer emotions and heal people from a distance, through this field… In The Super Mind Evolution System, you’ll get simple step by step instructions to help you rediscover these amazing abilities… Visit the link below to watch the free video, Psychic Soul -

The 10 Secrets of Failure

The 10 Secrets of Failure by Jim Francis

What does it take to be a winner?

Most successful people do not know how they achieved their success.

Success for them just arrived and was a very pleasant and satisfying experience.

If you stand and talk to a successful person for any length of time you will notice that their attitude and belief system is somewhat different to that which you are used to.

They seem to have a different angle or slant on things which you usually find quite refreshing.

If you could get close enough to these successful people to analyze their belief system you will find that they do none of the following...

The 10 secrets of failure –

1 - Remain positive all day long ....for no reason. This is emotionally unnatural!

2 - Discuss your life's objectives with negative family and friends.

3 - Accept gratuitous advice from unsuccessful people.

4 - Follow-the-herd ...because that is what everyone else is doing.

5 - Watch TV "soap" regularly ...this is guaranteed to destroy all creativity.

6 - Heavily mortgage into debt and absolutely guarantee high stress for years to come.

7 - Remain in a business/personal situation where you are perpetually unhappy and stressed.

8 - Tell yourself continually that you are naturally unlucky.

9 - Become petty-minded and envious when someone you know has a major windfall.

10- Make lifestyle decisions based on spur-of-the-moment emotional feelings.

It is not what winners do that makes them so successful; it is what they don't do!

They totally avoid the above 10 secrets of failure, either consciously or subconsciously.
Visit the link below to watch the free 10 part video series - Unlocking the Secrets of Real Mind Power - inspired by 10 years of research into advanced mind power techniques by Jim Francis -

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sweet Dreams

How to cure your mind and body through Dream Programming by Jim Francis 

The mind does not make an appearance within physical reality, but the brain is based in physical reality. Our dreams occupy the same space as the mind…..that is, no space at all. The images that appear in dreams appear as “forms” in other realities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rules of time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in our physical world. Dreams are a continuous flowing process which run continuously in the wide awake and the dream states. While we are in the wide awake state they run subconsciously. The materializations we create in our dreams have no mass in our physical reality but may have the equivalent of mass in other realities. In the dream state the personality is molded and changed via actions that do not exist in the physical universe. These dream based subjective events eventually manipulate physical matter and events for the individual concerned, depending upon how they have consciously or subconsciously programmed their dreams. One persons dream affects another’s and that person is in turn affected by the neighbor’s dreams. In many cases dreams (in slightly different formats) are shared by two or more people and in some cases close-knit communities have shared mass dreams. We have “mass” dreams that occur just above the level relating to the collective unconscious. If we are able to tune in to these dreams (and some individuals can) we would gain an impression of what our society is collectively dreaming…..which would then give us an indication of future events, as our dreams format our future, both individually and collectively. Sometimes these collective dreams contain enough power to significantly alter the future, for better or for worse. It is interesting to note that the dreams of one very powerful individual can affect the dreams of thousands of other people and this type of individual is capable of becoming a leader or “Guru”. They generally become known in the dream state first and are recognized in the physical world later.

Through very intense emotional focus you can create a form then project it to another person who may then perceive it. This may be done consciously or unconsciously. The presence of this form can now be detected by sensitive scientific instruments. During the dreaming state your awareness is focused in another reality that is in every way as permanent and valid as the physical reality universe. During sleep only a small amount of your energy is focused in the physical field, enough to maintain the bodily functions only. The dream universe is also composed of a molecular structure, but takes up no space as we know it. It is continuous but your awareness of it is normally limited to your sleep/dreaming periods. The events in the dream reality are as meaningful as the events in your physical world and indeed are interrelated. One affects the other ...and vice versa. This is why it is possible (and extremely easy) to program up dreams which have an almost immediate effect in your physical universe. One of the easiest and most effective types of dream that you can pre-program relates to your physical health. Sometimes a correctly programmed dream can cause almost miraculous improvements to your health in as little as 12 hours. 
Visit the link below to watch the free 10 part video series - Unlocking the Secrets of Real Mind Power - inspired by 10 years of research into advanced mind power techniques by Jim Francis, including the revolutionary dream programming research - 

You'll also get over $100 worth of free mind power gifts including Mind Surge: The Consciousness revolution - a fascinating ebook based on 10 years of advanced mind power research which includes the complete Dream programming technique revealed for free for the very first time - how to cure your mind and body while sleeping...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Short Cuts to Success

Nothing is what it seems
by Jim Francis

The mindpower gurus who can operate mentally in theta or some other altered consciousness state believe that they enter a time-free zone where they can see past/present/future events with equal clarity. It has always been considered that time flows forward, like an arrow from a bow but the relatively new science of Quantum Physics indicates that it may well flow in the opposite direction also. And the more the scientific world delves into the strangeness of Quantum Physics, the weirder are the things being discovered.  It basically started out with the aperture test whereby a stream of light is shone through a narrow slit on to a screen. The light either showed up as a particle image on the screen or as a waveform, depending on what the experimenter expected!  And
there is now a line of thought that wonders if the normal state of events is the waveform, which materializes into particle form only when consciously examined.

When one considers the vast empty spaces inside supposedly solid matter, there may be some merit in this particle materialization concept. If you think about all the planets in our solar system and the vast distances between them, then reduce the size of our solar system down to that of an atom, it becomes easier to comprehend the spaces inside each atom. In fact, 99.99999999999% of a supposedly solid object is space. It has been estimated that if all the "spaces" in the known universe were removed
and only "solid" material left, then you could hold this in the palm of your hand.

The video monitor you are currently looking at is made up of mainly blank space. It consists of subatomic particles with vast spaces around them. In fact the whole known universe and everything in it is made up of the same material ...subatomic particles.
If you raise your eyes from your screen and look around you, everything you see is made of subatomic particles, even your pet cat, which is mainly empty space. (Something you've always suspected!) Everything is the same ...except Human
Consciousness!  Conscious awareness is a "stand-alone" event in the entire universe.
It is an anomaly.

Obviously this consciousness is a superior event compared to all the mundane subatomic sameness surrounding it. No wonder that controlled consciousness can influence the lifeless brethren we call inert matter! That is, there is no reason
whatsoever why a human mind cannot influence matter.  The main reason we can't do it, is because we don't expect to!  The same as the scientists with the aperture test..... they get what they expect in
the way of results. It takes a major change in the mental operating process to be able to influence matter to the point where you can cause sychokinetic effects with mind-power alone, but it happens!
If you think deeply about this, you will probably conclude that there is no reason why the superior stand-alone event of consciousness should not be able to directly influence the atomic structure of lifeless matter.

Einstein has proven that energy and mass are interchangeable (as in a nuclear reaction) and various universities and laboratories have been able to either measure or calculate the force generated by a human mind (as in psychokinetic experiments).
The obvious conclusion here is that, as mass and energy are interchangeable, the energy generated by human consciousness can be converted into its mass equivalent, the format of which is controlled and directed by the most extraordinary of higher-
consciousness processes... ...Visualzation...
When a human mind clearly and continually visualizes an end result, with deep emotion and concentrated intent, then the formatted energy generated is converted into its mass equivalent - ie. the result desired. As strange as this may sound, it
is scientifically feasible and generally accepted as truth among the mind power people and top motivators.

In our universe....... nothing is what it seems!!

When we are born we are totally unprogrammed. We are like a computer without the software. Each developing individual slowly slips into a reality frame that is he or she finds comfortable.  As we grow  we are trained to recognize a common reality so that we can interact with others. We usually learn this via peer pressure at school and from social groups and parental influence.  That is, every sane human being adopts a "common denominator" when it comes to
reality. This "window of reality" is basically the same for the entire human race.  Your reality training teaches you that mankind cannot walk on white hot coals with a temperature 5 times that of boiling water! Yet it is done! The same training tells you that you cannot influence matter with your mind.  Yet it happens!  Everybody "knows" that you cannot sit in a chair, relax, and clearly visualize some distant scene, in past, present or future time, with approximately the same degree of accuracy as produced by your other 5 senses.  Yet the Australian Aboriginal race has always had this “gift” and considers it normal. And there are a number of European people who have taken the trouble to learn this Remote Viewing process and some even practice it for a living!

Major corporations employ them to fill in information gaps.  The reality window, as we have accepted it for generations, is no longer valid. 
Too many people are finding how to step outside it.  Under certain conditions, your mind can "escape" from the restriction of this universal window. And as an increasing number of individuals experience these
"impossible" alternatives, universal human consciousness changes. When a critical number of people can achieve these alternative realities, then, like the 100th monkey theory, everyone will suddenly "know" that these things can be done.
Sheldrake's Morphogenic Field theory explains how this is achieved in real life.

Nothing is what it seems !!!

For the past 100 years or so western civilization has been technology orientated.  The higher the technology, the better we like it. But technology is logic based. And our logic is based on our reality window.  If we become aware of a different form of technology which is not only outside our logic base, but also can't be replicated reliably and worse still, cannot be measured on conventional instruments, then we panic!  It is outside our reality window.
But such technologies already exist. They are the science of the 21st century ...because...
...nothing is what it seems!!!
Visit the link below to watch the free 10 part video series - Unlocking the Secrets
of Real Mind Power - inspired by 10 years of research into advanced mind power techniques by Jim Francis -